(435) 656-3882 info@vaultais.com
Those who commit to maximizing savings find that their finances expand to meet and often exceed their initial desired outcomes.
This “LAW” always works!

Whether you have term insurance, whole life insurance, or no life insurance at all, it works.

Have you ever noticed how something that was once a luxury, later becomes a necessity?

It’s a part of Parkinson’s Law…

“A luxury, once enjoyed, becomes a necessity.

-1955, C. Northcote Parkinson

  • Cell phones
  • Computers
  • Cars
  • Electricity
  • Indoor plumbing

Shoot, even underwear was once something only Kings wore!

Human instinct is to pursue “luxury” until it becomes common.

Once common, the old luxury becomes the foundation for the next level of abundance.

For example: The growth in technology over the last 50 years is mind-blowing.

The USB-C charger, that you use to charge your cell phone, has ~48 times more computing power than the $3.5 million-dollar computers that helped us land on the moon!

Today, we have computers designing other computers.

But remember, we had to get used to wearing underwear before we could ever have today’s technology.
Which is funny given the increasing number of people who are accidentally caught in zoom meetings working from home in their underwear… (#covidlife)
The principle applies to your personal life, business, and finance too.

It’s why #1 Asset teaches us to never stop learning.

#1 Investment is to continue to grow on top of your own growth inside of your business and/or career!

And it’s why it’s important to look at your finances regularly and review your #1 Strategy at least annually with our team.

When we train ourselves to systematically save $ into our Vaults, the luxury of saving becomes a necessity of life.

We teach to get into the habit of living on 80% of what you make.

Save the other 20% (or more) somewhere protected, liquid, and guaranteed.

By virtue of Parkinson’s Law, when saving becomes a necessity, the opportunity for new untold luxuries enters your life.

This is why we add the luxury of a PUA (Paid-Up Additions) rider on all whole life insurance policies we write.

At first, and maybe even for the first few years, saving this additional PUA feels optional.

“I’ll do it if I can…”

But those who commit to maximizing savings find that their finances expand to meet and often exceed their initial desired outcomes.

IE: They find the next level of luxury!