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By far the #1 favorite strategy of our clients (past and present) is Cash Flow Banking…

We field hundreds of customer service requests each month, and the overwhelming #1 favorite strategy people write in about is Cash Flow Banking.
It also generates the most questions.
How Does Cash Flow Banking CRUSH Every Other Saving Method for Accumulating Wealth Quickly and Safely?
The secret is in the guarantees…
Because nothing erodes wealth faster than negative returns.
With the Cash Flow Bank system, negative returns and “losing years” are a thing of the past.
And once you see all the other benefits the Cash Flow Bank system gives you, it’s not a big surprise why our clients are calling this the most important part of their financial plan…
After all, who wouldn’t want a secret stash, stuffed full of cash that earns a guaranteed positive return year after year, like clockwork…
With zero chance of ever losing value, no matter how topsy-turvy the stock market or economy gets?
And that ALSO gives you all this…
  • Grows your deposits even faster with additional (non-guaranteed) cash-boosting dividends, tax free.
  • Allows you to take out loans for any purpose you want no questions asked.
  • Requires no application or approval process to take out a loan. You simply request the amount you desire and a check is in the mail to you.
  • Continues to grow your wealth uninterrupted on the FULL AMOUNT of your deposits, even when you have loans taken out (this is where the real magic happens and is what separates this from taking out loans against a traditional retirement account).
  • Keeps your cash balance private to protect you from financial predators.
  • Provides protection against litigation (state specific). • Does not have to be reported as an asset on FAFSA forms.
  • Unlike 401K’s or IRA’s, there’s no government-specified limit to how much cash you can add each year.
  • Provides an estate-planning component built right in to the product (proceeds can pass on to heirs 100% tax free)
  • Currently earns up to 10X (or more) what banks are paying on savings accounts.
  • Provides liquidity and access to your money in the event of a disability without having to cash out (avoids triggering a costly capital gain).
  • Allows you to receive monthly cash checks TAX FREE when you decide to retire.
We even know someone who set up his Cash Flow Banking system to give himself and his family a $100,000 PER MONTH retirement income starting at age 60.
Now not many people will need (or be able) to do that.
Cash Flow Banking is a proven, rock-solid financial strategy the wealthy have tapped into for decades (even centuries).
Yet hardly anyone in the middle class even knows about it because the government actively suppresses information about this special type of account and keeps the companies involved from advertising it.
Why do the wealthy like these accounts so much?
The Wall Street Journal Calls Cash Flow Banking “A Tax Shelter for the Rich”
In their own investigation, the WSJ found that a Cash Flow Bank “gives the affluent tax advantages far beyond those available to middle-income people through a 401(k) or IRA.”
In other words, they’re saying it is much better for retirement savings than ANY government-sponsored retirement plans.
But here’s the real kicker…
It’s not just for retirement. In fact, a Cash Flow Bank account helps anyone start living like the wealthy right now.
And more important…
There’s no kind of minimum income requirement to use this setup yourself.
In other words…
You Don’t Need to Be Rich to Use It
In fact, we’ve had clients at every income level benefit from setting up their own Cash Flow Bank account…
And they’ve been thrilled with the results
For example, Dave H. from Janesville, Wisconsin used his Cash Flow Banking system to pay for $1200 in unexpected car repairs when cash flow was a little tight. He and his wife can now pay that back whenever they want, on their own terms, which gives them a real sense of freedom they never had before.
Then there’s Joe M. from Detroit who uses his Cash Flow Bank to create liquidity for his software business. But the real value for him is the stability of the account. He’s been using the system since 1999 and says “the financial crisis (2008) and internet bubble (2000-2001) had NO effect on my Cash Flow bank account values.”
And then there’s Brian G. from Georgia who uses his Cash Flow Bank to buy all of his cars. He negotiates great deals, and then pays with cash he borrows from his Cash Flow Bank. By the time he pays off the loan to his Cash Flow Bank, he’s recaptured all the interest he would have paid to the bank and uses that to pay for his family vacations.
What Can a Cash Flow Banking Account Do for YOU?
There are two ways to find out.
First, if you are still uncertain about what Cash Flow Banking is all about, read more at www.OpticFinancial.com.
If you already know what the strategy is about and think this is the kind of system you’d like to set up for yourself…
Give one of our Cash Flow Specialists, Michael Isom or Barry Brooksby a call at 435-656-3882. They can answer all your remaining questions and help you see how Cash Flow Banking might look in your situation.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Currently, our specialists are only able to assist people living in the U.S.
 — if you’re unsure how you would “fund” your bank…
Our specialists can find dozens of ways to free up cash flow you already have. That way you can start funding your bank without having to earn more money, and without impacting your current lifestyle.
There’s no cost and nothing to “buy” with the call.
Setting up your Cash Flow Banking system can take a couple weeks to a couple of months, so the sooner you get started, the sooner you can benefit.
Take Action Today!
Contact us today to schedule your free consultation to discover how Cash Flow Banking can work for you, 435-656-3882. Or, email us for a free report at info@opticfinancial.com.
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