Meet Steve; are you Steve?
Steve owned his own business.
Steve was married and had two kids.
He saved money in a 401k. And got a match on his cash up to 6% of his total contribution.
Wait, I can’t help myself here with this story… Steve owned the freaking company; the match was his money anyway.
I can’t tell you how many people are blind to this.
Steve stopped opening the envelopes of his 401k statements.
You know, the market goes up, the market goes down. In the long haul, the market will be up.
Hmmm, will it?
This is exactly the deep down feeling Steve had. How do we know?
We are dependent upon others for our life’s savings.
Our life’s savings? Ya you know, that piece of our life that we will DEPEND ON 100% to allow us to slow down and eventually stop working.
The time when we stop trading our time for money.
Not a big deal, go ahead and keep investing in others people’s businesses versus your own.
Ya, I’m at it again.
This shit jacks me up.
When someone, I know it’s not you but someone you know, puts money in a 401k or any other account that’s invested in Wall Street, they are saying, “I value another company more than mine.”
LOL, are you kidding me?
Okay, I stepped away from writing and screamed outside to release the frustration I was feeling.
I know, I know, it’s not your fault.
You’re saving taxes by putting money there.
No, you’re not and yes it is your fault.
You are 100%, not 99%, but 100% accountable for your actions.
Every other area of Steve’s life is a result of the frustration and confusion he feels DAILY, by having money in the stock market.
Stock market = investing in other people’s businesses versus his own.
Oh ok, but it’s different for you?
No, it’s not.
If you don’t value your business/career more than another’s business, then sell yours and go to work for theirs.
Seriously, why not?
There is a more efficient way.
The AIS Triangle™.
I created this here at Vault AIS™ because I too was frustrated.
I was so sick and tired of building and burning that I committed to figuring this out.
For me and for you.
You are your #1 Asset.
Your business/career? Yes, it’s your #1 Investment.
#1 Strategy? Protection = Production and cash is King.
Fund your future purchases by being the bank. This creates a very high rate of return.
The deeper principles at play here?
Self Actualization
Self Reliance
Maintaining control
Have this in your life?
Great, share it with those you care the most about. Those who are just like you.
In Prosperity,
Michael G Isom
CEO of Vault AIS™
Creator of The AIS Triangle™