What is Freedom?
To answer this let’s first talk about the opposite of freedom.
- Bondage.
- Captive.
- Stuck.
- Boxed in.
- No way out.
- Mental Bondage.
What does this mental bondage feel like?
It’s painful.
Fear that I’m always going to live like this.
That there is no way out.
It’s scary.
Uneasy to say the least.
So, then what is Freedom?
- Clarity.
- Empowering.
- Creativity.
- Hopeful.
- Courage.
- Confidence.
- Focus.
How then does this all show up in our lives?
The expression of what is in our lives.
What is, is the application of what we have created in our lives.
What is, is creation in our minds.
Take inventory.
Yep, inventory.
Look around.
Physical and mental.
The fruit.
The results in your life today.
Is it working?
Not working?
Are you happy and fulfilled? Free.
Or frustrated and in bondage?
Taking inventory does a few things.
It raises our awareness.
Awareness is the first step.
It exposes us.
View exposure as healthy. Often times this alone gives us solutions to make small changes that can have a large impact.
Imagine doing this more than just once a year? Hmmmm, image just a few small teaks each quarter the impact it would have in a year. 2 years. 5 years.
It’s massive.
New Year’s resolutions are right around the corner.
Look at each area of your life and ask, am I free or am I in bondage?
This is all about increasing your HLV.
Human Life Value.
We all have one.
A HLV balance sheet.
HLV is the source and creator of all our PV.
Property Value. The fruit. The results.
Want more PV? Work on your HLV first.
Today’s about your mindset.
Being Free mentally or in Bondage.
Abundance or Scarcity.
Take inventory of what is in every area of your life, personally and professionally.
Ask yourself, is it working or not working?
What are the results in that area?
Look at your body.
Health Fitness.
Energy levels.
Ability to focus. Create.
Spirituality. Are you connected to God? Source? Creator?
Do you quiet your mind?
Think about your thinking?
Give thanks?
Celebrate and appreciate on a regular basis?
How are your Relationships?
With your spouse? Significant other?
Yourself? Self care.
Friends? Family?
Relationship capital is a line item on the HLV balance sheet.
How do you invest here?
How often?
Actions you take? Could take? Want to take?
Are you increasing your personal stock value by learning and growing?
What does your business life look like?
Cash flow?
Money saved in your Vaults? Aka whole life policies.
Creation on a regular basis?
Tax planning and strategies.
Are you strategically planning?
Are you being cause in your life?
This is all about consciously living.
Being Free.
Taking inventory then opens up the ability to ask: what do I want? And the more important, why do I want that?
Now with all of this, this is a lot.
I know.
So how do you eat an elephant?
One bite at a time.
Start eating.
Commit to assessing on a regular basis.
Course correct along the way.
And celebrate and appreciate along the way.
Give thanks.
You know this.
I love this time of the year.
Open your arms up wide. Pause.
Take a deep breath. Pause.
Look all around you and give thanks. Pause.
It really is in the pausing that we find the true beauty of life.
Start with Gratitude to be Free.
Out of bondage.
This is all possible.
I promise.
Time for a one on one with me?
Simply reply back and Lacey will assist you in making that happen.
I love each and every one of you.
I believe in you.
It’s a beautiful time to be alive.
It really is. Despite what the news tells us daily.
We create our reality.
You are the number one asset, is it time you treat yourself as such?