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Last week we shared part #1 of our new Vault AIS™ mini-documentary.

Why we do what we do…

If you missed last week’s video, you can watch it here.


This week takes a deeper dive into The Lessons Applied.

Building Individual Networth

Michael G Isom outlines 3 progressive keys to building your individual net worth.

  1. Gaining clarity
  2. Greater desire
  3. Getting exchange.
Read Transcript

Commitment to extract lessons in our life. Lessons that I just talked to you about. This commitment to extract lessons creates clarity, and clarity creates desire. I’m happy to report to you today that after nine years of extracting lessons and applying them in my life, starting to see myself as the #1 Asset, clarity around what the #1 Investment has been and will always be in my life and what the #1 Strategy is, when it comes to money that we’re going to relinquish control of. I’m proud of where I’m at today. I’m proud of the lessons that I’ve extracted, that Wendy and I have applied in our life and that you can apply in your life.

Starts with the commitment, a ruthless commitment to extract the lessons, to apply them in your life, to start seeing yourself as the #1 Asset. People are assets, things are not. We have this property value balance sheet, I would list our home on the property value balance sheet, cash, assets, value in our business, but we also have another balance sheet. That other balance sheet is called a human life value balance sheet, where we have assets and liabilities on the human life value balance sheet. Those assets would include things like our mindset, our skill sets, our education, the lessons in life. It’s who we are as a person, the morals, the values, the integrity and it’s taking those assets and exchanging and utilize them out in the marketplace today to create value and exchanging that value with others.

You see dollars follow value. Focus on creating value, focus on extracting the lessons, focus on increasing your human life value, your individual net worth. As you focus on increasing your individual net worth, in your mindset, you can take that and exchange it in the marketplace to create more property value. People are assets, things are not. It’s a simple formula, if you want more property value, focus on the human life value first. #1 Investment, the mindsets that I extracted from this experience, the clarity that I have today, allowed me to not only see myself as the #1 Asset, but to gain clarity around what the #1 Investment was, is and will continue to be in my life and is in your life also.

Think about it, where has the most amount of money come into your life from? It’s come from your ability to produce at the highest level, in your area of expertise. That’s in your career or businesses that you own and operate. Think about it. Think about where the largest amount of money where it’s come from in your life. It’s your ability to produce at the highest level in your career and in your business. What are you doing with your cash? What are you doing with your time and your money? Where are you putting it first? Are you putting it in risky investments in hopes for a high rate of return? Are you bored? Are you desperate? Start seeing yourself as the #1 Asset, invest in yourself, invest in your business, in your career.

I want you to take risk and I don’t want you to take any risk. I want you to take risk in the area that you control, have knowledge, expertise, purpose and passion. This is the clarity that I gained. These are the lessons that I’ve extracted. This is what’s allowed for my wife Wendy and I, and our kids, to live a life of purpose and passion. To be able to feel this again in my life and you can feel it too. See yourself as the #1 Asset. Start treating yourself as such. Start treating other people as assets. People are assets, things are not. Gain clarity around what the #1 Investment is in your life. It’s the area that you have the most knowledge, expertise, purpose and passion. That’s the career that you’re in. That’s the business that you own and operate.

#1 Strategy when it comes time to relinquish control of your cash, keep that cash guaranteed, protected and liquid. Keep it guaranteed and protected to protect your mindset. Your ability to continue to produce at the highest levels in your area of expertise, in your career and in your business. Keep it liquid to utilize back into your business and back into your personal life for future money decisions that you’re going to make anyway. Remember the studies of the banks that I did. Banks take our cash, and they utilize it as a loan to someone else, and then they get it back and they have collateral on it. Use your cash for future money decisions that you’re going to make but pay yourself the interest versus paying a financial institution.

Again, we want you to take risk because that fulfills us, but take that in the area that you control. Have knowledge, expertise, purpose and passion in. IE: your career, in your business. Don’t take any risk on your cash, when you’re going to relinquish control of it. Keep that cash guaranteed, protected and liquid and that’s why we call it a vault. Vault AIS. #1 Asset, #1 Investment, #1 Strategy.