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Below is an excerpt from “The AIS Triangle™” pages 21-35

Draw two balance sheets on a sheet of paper.

The first balance sheet is going to be what we call P.V. or your Property Value balance sheet. We all have one of these where we list out assets and liabilities.

Assets here would be:

  • your home
  • the equity in your business
  • cash
  • maybe your 401(k)
  • maybe cash value from a life insurance policy…

On the other side are your liabilities such as:

  • a mortgage
  • loan
  • maybe a credit line

Assets minus liabilities equal the equity in your property value balance sheet. When you work with any typical financial planner out there today, they’re going to talk to you about assets meaning “property value assets”.

However, each of you has an adjoining balance sheet that we call an HLV or Human Life Value balance sheet. Your Human Life Value balance sheet has assets and liabilities on it also. Think about your HLV assets as your mental capital. Things that you have a purpose, passion, and expertise in.

These would be your:

  • experiences in life
  • morals
  • values
  • integrity
  • formal education

It would be living by a moral compass or code that you live by. For me, it’s my commitment to be real, raw, relevant, and ruthlessly committed to results.

There are also some liabilities on this sheet, such as:

  • scarcity thinking
  • emotional judgments
  • disappointments
  • frustrations
  • Items that we want to do the work on would list under the liability column in your human life value balance sheet.

Don’t just ponder this, drawing all of this out provides clarity. Inside of that clarity comes the realization that your human life value is the source and the creator of all the property value that you have created in your life. Think about it.

Look at what you’ve created in your life, your career, and your business. How did you create that? You created it by first learning and gaining experience, knowledge, expertise, purpose, and passion, and then going out and exchanging in the marketplace. In that exchange, there are dollars that are exchanged and those dollars you can use to create property value. It’s a simple formula. If you want more property value, go out and increase your human life value first.  (From The AIS Triangle™ page 21-35)