(435) 656-3882 info@vaultais.com

During any time of stress, it’s powerful, reassuring, and relieving to know where you are financially.

Here’s how…

We work primarily with three life insurance companies.

Here are the contact webpages and phone numbers for you to use in getting your exact cash value or balance available amount.

Please give Lacey a call If you have any questions or difficulties getting your information.



You can set up online access to view your policy information by going to https://service.ameritas.com/service/login.asp,

  1. Click on “Register Now”,
  2. “Client”,
  3. Accept the terms,
  4. Enter your information to be able to log in for access.

One America:


You can set up online access to view your policy information by going to www.oneamerica.com.

  1. Click “Login”
  2. Click “Register for New Account”
  3. Select the top option “Account Services”
  4. After completing all the required fields, click on the “Next” button
  5. Accept the terms of use for access.

Penn Mutual:


You can set up online access to view your policy information by going to https://myaccount.pennmutual.com/profile/public/#/register,

  1. Enter your information,
  2. Click “Submit Registration”.