Isn’t life interesting?
I’m constantly fascinated with the different facets of life that support the same philosophy.
For over 4 years, I participated in a workout routine called Crossfit a minimum of 5 times a week. I loved it. I was in incredible shape – lean with plenty of energy to spare.
One thing I failed to do on a regular basis was participate a disciplined mobility routine.
I guess I didn’t see the value in mobility during those years.I was getting every immediate, (and THRILLING) result I wanted from my Crossfit routine. So…why would I adjust something I was happy with?
I now know.
You see, for the last 7 months, I have been frustrated over an inflamed rotator cuff in my left shoulder.
First, I had to get an MRI to make sure nothing was torn. Next, I tried PRP – injections of my own blood platelets to try to stimulate faster healing. I’m now being treated by a trusted PT and continuing my regular chiropractic adjustments to get a handle on things.
This definitely ends up taking more time out of my schedule (and costs a hell of a lot more money) than me placing correct value on the importance of mobility IN THE FIRST PLACE.
If only I would have recognized that and added it to my routine back in the day. Today, after another limited workout, I realized:
There is no difference between the situation I find myself in now and the value we need to place on our personal finances so that we are not facing a rotator-cuff, limiting scenario that could have been easily prevented.
Don’t wait till the injury occurs to create the motivation to course correct. That’s a miserable solution, as I have learned.
As you close your eyes at night the “voice” (your gut) whispers to you what you need to do in order to be successful with your money life.
So what’s keeping you from making the course correction now?
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Know, versus hope. And leverage that knowing to create even more in every area of your life at a greater degree.
This will fulfill you and those around you to greater depths.
Yes, as you know, money and finance play a major role in our lives – enhancing who we are.
Want to make more money? Want a deeper, more connected relationship with your significant other? Greater influence on who you serve? More power, courage and confidence to create your ideal life?
Know, versus hope, that what you are doing with your money is the most efficient thing you can possibly do.
I’ve got my plan and it’s working and empowering me in a monumental way. Do you?
Learn from me. Don’t wait for the “injury” to occur to motivate you to take action. The cost is far greater than preventative maintenance.
You know this.
You’ve got this.
In Prosperity,
Michael Isom