(435) 656-3882 info@vaultais.com

I am often asked, Michael what can I do differently to be successful with my money?

Last night I took my Queen out to a nice dinner for our weekly date night.

This was no ordinary date night.

This was 1 of 8 original date nights I will be creating for us in the next 8 weeks.

Connecting with our Queen as a King creates an extreme amount of Courage and Confidence in our life.

So you want to be more successful with your money? 

Date your Queen and create a deep emotional connection.

Then, leverage the power that comes from that to produce at an even higher level than ever before in your business.

Creating more in your #1 Investment, which yes is your business/career, will put more money in your pocket and thus allow you to save more.

Not to mention the value you are providing for so many others around you by doing so.

Saving more creates a very high rate of return. 

Not sure about it?

Test it yourself.

A by-product of creating more in your business is also the value that you have created for those you serve.

It’s a beautiful Win-Win.

It’s the highest form of living I know of.

Clarity in our personal relationships allows for us to focus our energy in each area of our life with more certainty.

More certainty = economic value. 

Yes, The Economic Value of Certainty. 

In Prosperity,

Michael Isom