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It was just this last weekend that I participated in a 300-mile off-road race.

300 miles off-road in some of the toughest conditions the Nevada Desert has to offer.
There is so much preparation that goes into pulling something like this off.

A race team to chase us and setting up each of the 7 pit stops along the course.

  • Food.
  • Lodging.
  • Entry.
  • Logistics.
  • Race car prep.
  • Tires.
  • Tools.
  • Fireproof suits.
  • Sealant in the tires.
  • Race Gas.
  • And this list goes on and on.

Car prep is one of the main items. I hire a professional to do this race prep for me.
His name is James and he is also my co-driver.

He sits next to me the entire race in the car reading a GPS map letting me know what’s ahead.

His constant, left, right, straight, rock right, rock center, belt is at 180, engine temperature is at 200, etc.; He talks to me the entire race.

We raced 7 hours straight.

The confidence I feel racing at that level is EVERYTHING.
Confidence, knowing not hoping, knowing that he is there.

He is guiding me the whole way.
He can get out, like he did this last race, and fix something on the car. Allowing us to get back into the race and still pull off a 3rd place finish.

Just like this race, each of you have your own race going on.

How prepared are you?

Do you have the confidence knowing, not hoping, that if something came up you would be taken care of?
That your family would be taken care of?

Build confidence by taking advantage of our annual review process here at Vault AIS™.

Confidence in life can be leveraged in so many ways.

Peace of mind to know.
Will I and/or my family be taken care of if I die?
What about living a long life?

Will you be prepared then?

Do you know?
Do you want to know?

Whether you are racing professionally off-road like I do or planning your financial future, wouldn’t you rather do it with confidence?

In Prosperity,
Michael G Isom
CEO of Vault AIS™
Creator of The AIS Triangle™