The biggest lie in the financial world, and one that is backed by billions of marketing dollars…
is that you have to work your ass off to build your business or career only to take your profits and invest them in another man’s company!
As if you were saying that you have more hope, more trust, or more faith in another man’s business than you do your own.
If you play in any investment that is outside of your area of expertise, knowledge, and/or experience, then you are consciously or subconsciously begging, or at the least hoping, that one day someone else will save you financially, and rescue you from your own business or career.
That “investment” is saying that you value another business more than your own.
You’ve heard words like:
“If this turns out, I can finally quit and live the life…”
It’s a gamble:
“the act or practice of risking the loss of something important by taking a chance or acting recklessly” – Definition of gambling from
Do I sound passionately serious about this?
Right now, the marketers in the “market” are screaming that investors should buy up stocks… Invest in new digital currencies…. Hell, there are even those who are hoarding supplies and then trying to sell them for horrific gains…
The market is plagued with deceit, lies, and
counterfeit capitalism!
“Possibly the greatest productive move you can make is NOT putting your money outside of you.” -Garrett J White
You have built the most powerful revenue generator of your life!
Your business or career.
Now, more than ever before, is the time to take healthy risks.
Meaning, take risk ONLY in an area where you have control! (IE: Knowledge, expertise, & experience.)
Your #1 Investment!
That’s right, do this only inside of your own business or career.
This will continue to be the most powerful investment you can find in ANY market.
Have zero risk tolerance when it comes time to relinquish control of cash somewhere you do not have control.
Store that cash somewhere that is guaranteed, protected and liquid – somewhere virtually immune to the market and repulsed by risk.
This is your #1 Strategy!
It is a dividend-yielding whole life insurance policy complete with a paid-up additions rider.
This is the type of policy designed at Vault AIS™ to keep and save your cash where it’s guaranteed, protected, and liquid!
Next time we are going to talk in-depth about storing cash in your #1 strategy.
If you have ANY questions about a potential investment take the sleep test?
- Will the investment help you sleep at night?
- Do you have knowledge, expertise, & experience in that field?
- If not, is it guaranteed, protected, & liquid?
If you can’t positively answer those three questions, then DON’T do it!
And if you still have questions, ask me, I’m here to help.
In Prosperity,
Michael G Isom