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I’m already feeling the emotion.

What you don’t know is that I have an audience behind the camera here and this audience is fueling me and you’re going to find out why here in just a few minutes.

I’m excited to share this.

Please watch the video below because the words alone don’t do justice to this powerful subject!

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/HLp46LwU2uI?rel=0&showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

We define Legacy as “The life that we live, and that we die by.

Think about those words for just a moment.

The life that we live or that we will die by, worthy of a legacy for future generations.

Before your mind may allow you to even go there, let’s take a few steps back.

When things were destroyed all around me on the outside and on the inside, I didn’t care about legacy.

I wasn’t thinking about future generations, I wasn’t even thinking about myself.

How could I?

Maybe you’ve felt this before.

How can you even think legacy or think about future generations when you have all this chaos going on inside of you and it may not just be chaos on the outside world with family, friends, or your occupation, it’s the chaos that’s going on inside of your head.

When we have no purpose, there is no desire to:

  • protect,
  • maintain,
  • sustain

No desire whatsoever to even think legacy, to even think about a future generation beyond our self.

Do you want to increase the wealth? 
Do you want to stop the leaks that are happening in your life financially?

Start with the power leaks that are happening in your life.
Start with those areas where you can gain the most amount of power and perspective in your life.

There is an arrogance that comes when we don’t have the perspective of loss in our life.

Do you feel this?
Have you felt this?

Can you think about this right now?

There is this arrogance in our life if we have not experienced loss.

If we just have dark everywhere and there’s no light or if we just have light everywhere and there’s no dark, we have no perspective.

Having had loss gives us the perspective of what gain really means to us.

What it really comes down to, is self-worth.

Not only to those around you but to yourself.

Inside yourself, it’s about you gaining more self-worth, having self-worth, gaining more, increasing that, and doing deliberate things on a daily basis to protect your mindset.

To start believing in yourself again and then, when you believe in yourself, you’ll start believing in those around you.
You’ve stabilized abundance.

Remember, the four key areas, the four basic needs of every human individual, it’s about having certainty and uncertainty which is variety, it’s about significance, and it’s about love.

When we stabilize those areas meshing in finance to build this vault legacy, we open the two higher spiritual needs of growth and contribution, contributing to another person’s life.

When we start to value ourselves more than ever before on a daily basis and consistent basis, we start to create a life that matters, a life that matters in your marriage and your finances.

This is like a baton of life that you can hand on to future generations, you’re clear about extracting the life lessons.
The things that you stand for, that your queen stands for.

What you stand for and what you don’t stand for, you have more clarity on that than ever before and your packaging that up in an estate plan with your money to where money now becomes a blessing, not a curse for future generations.

Part of my audience here and why I’m feeling this emotion is that my daughter, Kennedy, is here.

She’s here live listening to her father talk about this, and not only talk about it, but that my actions have supported what I’m sharing with you.

You know just as well as I know that one of the greatest sources of power for us in our life is our kids and our spouse.

That’s what it’s about.

It’s about creating a life that you love.

It’s about believing in yourself again and then sharing that with others.

It’s about being in that moment when you’re approached by a significant other, a friend, or a family member, and you’re in a place of power and you can share something with them and you can marry your finances up with them.

We all know by now how much money and finances play such a significant role in our life.

That why I’m here.

All of us at Vault AIS™, Wake Up Warrior, Warrior Wealth are here to share with you the significance of that and to allow you to see how that merges together.

How you can contribute even more to other people’s lives and how you can start to think legacy.
