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Two weeks ago, I shared a secret about being financially assertive.
I hinted that it was the way to financial joy.

After deeper thought, I want to show you
the exact path to financial happiness.

There are 7 steps. (Take note, they don’t just have to do with MONEY!)
I’ll use the analogy of a tree seed to illustrate each step.

Step One:

A seed has a hard shell protecting a very delicate tree embryo inside.

You must be the biggest protector of your financial embryos.

So, step one is all about protection.

You must protect money beyond what would seem sufficient.

This protector role is your personal responsibility.

Step Two:

When you plant a tree seed you make sure that it’s safe in good soil, with appropriate water and nutrients.

Because the seed was well protected it can now sprout into the good soil.

It’s still your job to provide a safe environment for the new sprout to grow.

You water and weed even though you cannot yet see its growth.

Note: Without the protection, there is no expansion into safety!

Step Three:

As the seed grows it required a tremendous amount of trust to push its way out of the ground.

That trust is gained in the “safe soil”.

The safety you build out of your protection of money will give you the trust you need to invest in yourself and your own businesses and careers.

This is the trust you must have to understand the #1 Asset and #1 Investment we so often talk about.

Step Four:

When the trust of the seed has broken ground and reaches to the sky, it’s now time to communicate.

The seedling is getting energy, learning to make food, and reaching for the sun.

Our job is to watch and communicate.

What is the seedling wanting and needing in order to grow?
Is it turning yellow?
Are there bugs of fungus trying to attack it?

The seedlings trust in us motivates us to watch closely and respond to its requests.

Do you see how trust motivates us to communicate and how communication is pointless without adequate trust?

When you feel a lack of understanding of finance, bad communication in business, or burnout in your career, it is a direct result of a lack of trust in some part.

You cannot build further unless you first build more trust.
There is no communication that can compensate for a lack of mutual trust!

Step Five:

At some point, you will stand in deep respect for the seed and/or the tree that it has become.

This respect comes ONLY from the effort you have put into the tree’s existence.

You can marvel at other trees…

But you will only respect the trees that you have learned to protect, provide safety, ensure trust, and nurtured/communicated with.

At some point, you will respect the cash you have built.

Make no doubt, better communication builds more respect and therefore a better fortune.

Step Six:

At this point, the tree will fruit.

No question, this will be an emotional and very intimate experience!

You are at the point of expansion.

What do you do with the new seeds inside of that fruit?

Do you toss them aside?

When you understand what is happening, you PROTECT the new seeds!

If you can’t plant them yourself, you make sure they can be planted in the same way as before by someone capable.

This becomes your #1 Strategy!

The more you can guarantee the success of the new plants the faster the cycle repeats. More Protection,
More Safety,
More Trust,
More Communication,
More Respect,
More Expansion…

Do you feel the Joy in this?

Well, that’s Step Seven:

Accept and enjoy the immense joy that comes from growing your financial orchard!