(435) 656-3882 info@vaultais.com

What do you do with the cash that you are going to relinquish control of?

I used to put my cash in other people’s businesses.

Not my own…

Subconsciously (or consciously) I saw other people’s businesses as the way out.

I used to subject my cash to risk.

High Risk = Hight rate of return…

You’ve heard this right?

Have been around for over 150 – 200 YEARS…

It’s Flat Wrong!

“The AIS Triangle™ is a way to grow your money at up to 5% per year. Your gains are 100% tax-free. The money will grow for the rest of your life.”

“And there’s no risk.”

Read the full article I published in 2017

IRAs have only been around since 1975

401Ks have only been around since 1977

The companies we use to:

  • get the Guarantees,
  • get the Protection from clams and lawsuits
  • get the Liquidity you want in your strategic plan.

AND they have paid a guarantee of 4% on their cash every single year?

In fact, the top companies have paid dividends every year on TOP of that 4% for the past 150 years!

The company we use has policies from the 1920s that are still active and paying!

That’s before the stock market crashed in 1929.

YES, this means they survived the last two major US depressions.

As a matter of fact, these companies not only survived the depressions, but they paid a profit to their policyholders.

We don’t use a typical life insurance product.

However, we use a very strategic tool inside of life insurance that is only offered by a life insurance company who has zero shareholders and does not trade on the stock market.

“There hasn’t been a single life insurance contract default in the last 300 years in America.”

Learn more by reading my article Here or watch the above video.