Our Story
I’m Michael Isom, the founder of Vault AIS. I wish I could tell you that our firm was the result of a series of brilliant decisions on my part.
The reality is that it was the result of me learning lessons the hard way.
Thankfully, my hard-learned lessons have translated into wisdom and results for my clients…
Like most of my clients, I did not come from wealth.
To give you an idea of our financial situation when I was growing up, I paid my mom rent through my senior year of high school just to help out.
I fell in love with motorcycles in the seventh grade, when I took my first job cleaning them and sweeping floors at Cycle Town Yamaha.
My wage started at $2.25 an hour.
By the time I was a senior in high school, I was earning $2,000 per month.
That’s how I paid for motorcycles, clothes, and dating girls.
When I began attending college in 1993, I started selling cell phones.
In my first thirty days, I made $20,000—ten times what I’d been earning at the shop! I had never made $20,000 in a year, let alone in thirty days.
In college, I met my beautiful wife, Wendy. We soon had two kids, Kennedy and Kadin.
I felt like I was living the American dream, making money and investing.
One day, Les came to me and said, “Hey, I have this real estate deal going on with this investor guy. Maybe you want to get in on it? “
I checked it out and it looked good. I trusted Les, so I started with a shoo-in investment of $50,000.
Investor Guy started paying me 5% a month. Wow! Every month, I received a check for $2,500. I dropped another $250,000 into the fund. Bigger checks kept coming, so I gave him another $500,000!
I thought, I bet my client, Joe, would like to get in on this, too. And Charles. Then Kate.
The next thing I knew, I had $4.8 million of my own money and million of my clients’ money in Investor Guy’s deal, and it was paying all of us 5% every month.
Over the next four months, I took money out of my own pocket to cover interest payouts to my clients because I didn’t want to leave them hanging.
Then I received a phone call.
“Hi, this is Special Agent Mark Jones from the FBI. I want to talk to you about your business activities with Investor Guy. “
The next thing I knew, I was signing a deal with the Feds.
I couldn’t keep the company together. I was under constant, terrifying stress while being interviewed by the FBI and having them comb through my financial records.
I started drinking myself silly every night. I soon added anxiety meds and narcotics to mask the pain. I became a complete asshole to everyone around me.
The stress was so unbearable that I started breaking out in hives all over my body.
One morning at 6:00 a.m., I heard a knock at the front door. It was Wendy’s family. Her father told me, “We’re here for Wendy and the kids. They’re moving out.”
I was in a state of shock, but I couldn’t blame them—I wasn’t healthy to be around.
Twelve hours later, I was alone on the bathroom floor, hyperventilating and holding a 9mm Ruger P89 pistol with a bullet in the chamber.
I pressed the gun against the roof of my mouth.
My hand was shaking. In my mind, I screamed to God, ready to end it all.
Suddenly, I felt a rush through my body like I’d never felt before. I knew I wanted to live.
I put the gun down and made a promise to God and myself: I would extract the lessons from this, apply them in my life, and share them with as many people as I could.
That is exactly what I have been doing since the fall of 2010.
It was from these devastating life lessons that the brand and core message of my current company was born: Vault AIS (standing for asset, investment, and strategy).
From that experience, I vowed that I would never gamble in any area of my life. I warn clients on a daily basis about avoiding gambling in their life.
As I have learned the hard way, gambling is not the path to sustainable wealth. The path to sustainable wealth is to understand that:
1. You are your #1 asset.
2. Your business/career is your #1 investment.
3. Your #1 strategy is to keep your foundational wealth guaranteed, protected, and liquid.

To learn more, I invite you to get your free hardcover copies of my books, What We’re Worth and What Would the Rockefellers Do?