This August I will turn 50.
50 years old.
I am challenging myself to think about the next 25 years of my life and what I want it to look like.
It’s super exciting. What do I want the next 25 years of my life to look like? What do you want the next 25 years to look like for you?
A few days after my 50th birthday I will strap myself in the Mobbin Racing race car to race the famous Vegas to Reno off road desert race. Over 500 miles off road.
I am reminded of what it takes to make this happen at this level.
I am reminded of The AIS Triangle and how it applies to life. My life. Your life. The lives of all of those we care the most about.
LIFE LESSON: what to do when it’s dusty and we can’t see. What to do when we have clear air.
THE PROBLEM: as I see it, happens when we speculate in any area of life, but end up winning the gamble.
It’s a problem because the short term “win” makes us feel immune to future risk…
So, it’s all too easy to speculate again and again…
Let me be clear: You cannot gamble and win 100% of the time.
It’s rigged, a zero-sum game!
It’s a great reminder…
This would be building yourself and your business/career. #1 Asset & #1 Investment.
If you don’t have knowledge, expertise, and experience then you demand that there are guarantees, protections, and liquidity!