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The True Cost of Avoidance

Here is the reality, of what I have not only experienced myself,
but seen in way too many families across the nation.

Powerful Business Men, Women, couples, families who have been
avoiding one of the most powerful conversations they could possibly have.

The conversation of Money, Wealth, Finance, Banking, Legacy planning.

When we avoid what happens?

It continues to show up.

And in a massive way too.

In our personal minds. Limiting our own ability to create.

Limiting our own ability to expand.

Creation, Growth, Expansion.

The top 3 things that fulfill us as a producer in the market place.

  • If we are not Creating.


  • If we are not Growing.


  • If we are not Expanding.


In every area of our lives, then we get bored.

We are unfulfilled.

We shrink.

Then we go in and create chaos in our lives so we can go in
and create, grow and expand again.

Yes, I have done this.

Yes, you have done this in one form or another.

And/or know of someone who has.

The cost of not being aware of this is massive in your lives.

Money – Finance – Banking, play a major role in our lives.

Raise your awareness of this today.

Allow money to enhance more of who you are.

Utilize it as a tool to produce at an even higher level than
ever before in every area of your lives.

Yes, this is the conversation that I now have with every client.

  • Where are you with this topic?


  • Are you where you want to be?


  • What will that take?


  • Are you clear?


  • Are you empowered by your current financial plan?

Need a review?
Email Lacey at lacey@opticfinancial.com for this review with me.

Financial Institutions have an agenda.

Know what it is and use it to benefit you today.

Create, Grow and Expand in this area to create more in the other areas of your life today.

Yes, this means getting Real, Raw and Relevant around this topic maybe for the 1st time.

What is the cost of not doing it?

Stabilize Abundance in your life today. 


Michael Isom