Every man is free to rise as far as he’s able or willing, but the degree to which he thinks will determine the degree to which he’ll rise.” -Ayn Rand
Some of the greatest stresses I hear from clients consist of saving and investment decisions they have made.
- They made them out of an opinion from someone else.
- They made them out of fear of loss.
- They made them thinking it was the right thing to do based on marketing hype, the media and sales people.
- They made them based on hypothetical rates of return. Assumptions.
MARKET HISTORY As if the past is any reflection whatsoever on what the future will do financially speaking. The rate at which things are changing is totally different than years ago.
It’s like driving your car while looking in the rear view mirror. Who would ever do that?
They made them not knowing, but hoping. Gambling mentality. How do you possibly make plans for the future not knowing if your money will be up or down in the market?
- All of this lead to a life of Scarcity.
- Scarcity in every area of life.
- Scarcity at the root of a financial plan undermines the courage and confidence at a very deep level.
When this happens we lower our hope for a prosperous future.
Money and finance affect every area of our life. The cost to us in our lives living in a paradigm of Scarcity is huge. Not just monetarily speaking.
When we are worried, stressed, or have increased amounts of anxiety around our finances it lowers our overall production substantially.
Loss of production = loss of value creation for those we serve and that adds up quickly in our bank account.
Then there is the cost of not being present in our personal lives. The part of our life with our family and friends that we care the most about.
I know this personally.
In 2007 I lost several million dollars in an investment. 2008 and 2009 were hell for me mentally.
Time to WAKE UP
- Time to turn our brain on and know for a fact that what we are doing with our savings and investments are the most efficient thing we can do.
- Time to acknowledge that we are our #1 Asset. Yes, we ourselves. Our Human Life Value is the source and creator of all of our property value.
Our Human life value assets consist of our life experiences up to this point in time. It consists of our knowledge, our integrity, our formal degree, our education, our morals and values. It’s who we are.
- Time to also be very clear that our #1 Investment is our own Business and/or Career that we are in.
Living a life with this all being top of mind awareness allows us to live in an Abundance mindset. And when we live in an Abundance mindset. We then see and attract abundance. Creating in abundance allows for us to experience more while allowing those we come in contact with to experience more also.
Increasing our courage and our confidence as an entrepreneur.
Dan Sullivan from Strategic Coach, over the last 30+ years, has been developing learning products to assist entrepreneurs in protecting their confidence. Acknowledging that when we protect our confidence every area of our life is enhanced.
The depth to which we now experience life is increased to an all-time high.
We now have the ‘eyes’ to see more, experience more, create more and share more with those we come in contact with.
The #1 Strategy we use with clients to ensure a life of abundant living starts with saving money in an area that is guaranteed, protected and liquid to utilize back into their lives strategically.
This process we call the 20/20 Personal Banking System.
Many of you are experiencing this with us already.
Some of you may not be.
Ask yourself if this makes sense??
Ask yourself if this is something you want in your life??
If so, reach out to us and let’s visit.
Also, if there is someone you know and care about that could benefit from this please let us know. I would love to visit with them.
It has proven time and time again to create the most utility in one’s life than any other strategy in the financial services industry.
- Maintain control versus relinquish control.
- Acknowledge that you are your #1 Asset.
- Your Business/Career is and has always been your highest rate of return producing investment.
The characteristics around owning your own business are the same as implementing your own 20/20 Personal Banking system into your lives.
Utilize this system in your life today to enhance your #1 Asset and your #1 rate of return producing asset, your Business/Career.
Challenge me on this. Discover this and know it is possible for you today!
Michael Isom
St. George, Utah
Owner of Optic Financial & Creator of the 20/20 Personal Banking System