(435) 656-3882 info@vaultais.com

This past week Wendy and I booked a flight to SLC.

We had been wanting to connect with Garrett and Carrie Gunderson.

Garrett is my co-author for What Would the Rockefellers Do?

Garrett and I have a long history, dating back to August of 2000 when I first met him.

He was still in college and I was just starting out in the financial services industry.
Garrett and I started marketing together, studying together along with two other gentlemen.

Ray and Les.
Most of you know Ray and Les tragically died June of 2006.

Crashing in a small plane flown by a trained pilot Duane.

I think about them often.

In preparation for our overnight trip to SLC, Wendy and I worked all week leading up to our Friday eve flight.
I’m sharing this story with you because of the urgency I felt that week leading up to taking that time away. This “urgency” produced a strong desire to get clear about what I wanted to accomplish along with how to do it.

Behind it all was the emotion.

Emotions are very strong, if not the strongest, motivating factors to take action in any area of our lives.
Especially around our money.

Are you clear about the emotions that surround your financial life?
Do you want to be?
Are you sure?

I am.

With that clarity, I am able to set targets and hit them.

What a great feeling!
Setting clear targets that are empowering and fulfilling.

Then hitting them.

Get clear on the emotions around your money life today.

Click here to discover emotionally sound Financial Education.

Thank you for trusting us, trusting me, in this most important area of your life.

In Prosperity,

Michael Isom

Have you already mastered your financial emotions?  GOOD.
Who do you know that could use these rules in their lives?
To this way of empowerment around their money life?
Refer them to the Vault AIS mindset.