(435) 656-3882 info@vaultais.com

It’s a little known fact.  Your beneficiary designations take precedence over your will.  Your life insurance, annuities and retirement plans are legally binding contracts. 

Please see my free guide: 
5 Potential Beneficiary Designations Pitfalls, which explains it all.

A few points to reflect on:

  1. If your beneficiaries aren’t up to date, it could put a wrench in your final wishes.
  2. An ex-spouse could get your life insurance proceeds.
  3. Designating “all my children” could leave a stepchild out.
  4. A beneficiary may die before you, leaving the proceeds to your estate, with potential probate and tax implications.

Avoid the pitfalls.  Regularly reviewing your beneficiary designations is a critical step to ensure your assets get into the right hands after your death.  Get the facts you need to make sure your plans are up-to-date.  Contact me to learn more.